Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stay away you swine!

Swine! That word till now has been used by everyone to curse or abuse. Looks like a swine did take an offense to the frequent use of its name as an abuse and decided to give it back to us humans. So what we have? A flu...to be precise swine flu which has taken a number of lives in India and around the world till now and has infected and is still infecting people at an alarming rate. And for someone who lives in a city which is always laid back in its attitude to everything, seeing people all panicky and hyper is something new. Now everywhere you go in the city all you see is masked people. Not surprising considering the fact that the city leads when it comes to the number of infected cases of the flu in India and the number of casualties increasing with almost each passing hour now.

The panic and frenzy has reached a point where if someone sneezes or a coughs, everyone jumps and looks around suspiciously. Coughing and sneezing has almost become a crime now. But can't really blame anyone. No one wants to be that one more name added to the list of infected.

But amidst all the panicky people we as usual have our chilled out government babus. As usual their actions to tackle the virus have been delayed. And their buzzword is 'Don't Panic'. Wait till one member in the parliament gets infected and then we will see whether they panic or not!

And till then let's all hope that the swine does stay away from us.