And the show begins...
The show is on. With the voting for the Lok Sabha polls underway from today, we can expect a lot of fireworks. The momentum has already been set by all politicians with their ‘hate’ campaigns and their flip-flops from one party to another. This election will be known more for the 'hate' speeches than for anything else. As if the formation of new alliances with each passing day was not enough, Varun Gandhi raised the bar for the campaigning with his hate speech. And the others followed suit. After all how can any of they stay away from something which brings them in limelight, whether for good or bad reasons. So from Varun Gandhi to Laloo Prasad Yadav...most of the leaders managed to get on the wrong side of the EC.
Earlier, a party or leader who used to get the best star campaigner used to bag all the limelight. This time they decided to chuck the stars and let their mouths (read words) bag the limelight. Maybe they wanted to save money for their future in these times of recession. After all with the way alliances are being formed and broken, who knows which politician might run out of demand!