Hardly a Clash of Champions
Clash of Champions! It was touted to be one! After all one team was the T20 World Cup winner and the other One-day World Cup winner. But looking at the result it was anything but a clash of champions. Makes you wonder whether India's T20 win was a mere fluke.
India has already lost the One-day series against the Australians. And the tough fight that they claimed was in the offing for the Aussies with a dash of aggression never quite materialised. Verbal battles were seen than the actual ones that most of us were waiting to see, and aggression shown where not needed. The Aussies dominated all the matches. Except for a couple of matches, India never really had a clue as to how to win. None of the so-called and new-found fighting spirit and carefree, fearless attitude seemed to help them.
Whatever little confidence that the team had managed to re-build in people's heart after the T20 win, has been crushed again.
Maybe they should start learning from the Aussies. Be proud and aggressive and flaunt your world champion status only when you know how to preserve it and do justice to it!