Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Buck'led' down

The buck has buckled him for good. Before you get confused, it is the now famous blackbuck case, involving the infamous Salman Khan that is being referred to. Finally, the case has seen the light of the day and Khan has seen the light fading from his life. He has been confined to the not so bright confines of the Jodhpur jail. And to give him company are criminals, who surely are enjoying every bit of the stars stay. After all, considering the amount of coverage the case is getting, they would soon become celebrities in their own right. After all they will be able to give the first witness account of what the star ate, what he did and did not and his behaviour.
So is the case getting too much of attention? Yes, it is. One reason for that is because it involves a celebrity. And secondly, it involves someone like Salman Khan, who has always been in the bad books of the media. Rarely do the media have good things to say about him nowadays. And it is no surprise that thanks to the unaccounted for court holiday, they get to make the most of Khans arrest and stay in the jail. So there we are with stories of his jail inmates, about the dimensions of the cell he is confined in, to the menu card so to say. Then for page 3, there are images of all the celebrities who paid him a visit.
Aren’t the media overdoing it a little? Think about it. Instead of giving this so much of attention, why can’t the media use all its resources to find similar such miscreants and make sure that they are punished justly. After all killing animals is no small crime. Maybe if such crimes get due attention and mention in the media, their numbers will dwindle a little, if not completely.


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